Home » Small Bags
Small Bags
Small bags have their own advantages just like large bags. It is important for shop keepers to also have some good quality small bags to give way to customers who purchase very small items or a single article. Besides, small bags come cheap and serve the same purpose as that of a large or medium sized bag. Shopping Bags Direct has a wide range of small bags to choose from.
Small Bag
A small bag may be produced out of any material like paper, organza, cotton, jute etc. It can be used as a gift bag, shopping bag or carrier bag. A small bag looks elegant and surely stands out in the midst of those large or standard size bags floating in the market.
Small Gift Bags
Small gift bags are the most ideal to gift souvenirs or pieces of jewellery or even for small toys for children. They look cute and are easy to store too. The small gift bags with fascinating prints can be found at Shopping Bags Direct. All you need to do is browse online or through their catalogue.
Small Paper Bags
Small paper bags will be ideal for carrying a book or a bottle or any single article. These are reused often as they are handier and hassle free to carry. The small paper bags measure 15 x 20 x 8 cm and 19 x 21 x 8 cm. These bags are also available in many solid bold colours.
Small Plastic Bags
Small plastic bags are used often and are a good way to advertise businesses as they are carried at many places. When not in use, these small plastic bags can be folded and kept in a handbag too.
Small Carrier Bags
Shopping Bags direct is famous for its wide range of shopping bags and large and small carrier bags. Most shopkeepers prefer keeping both varieties to give away these bags according to the item purchased. The different dimensions of small carrier bags are 6 x 8 x 3 inch, 4.75 x 13.75 x 4 inch, 7.5 x 8.3 x 3.1 inch and 4.33 x 5.90 x 2.75 inch.
Small Bags UK
For purchase of wholesale small bags, UK directory will guide you to Shopping Bags Direct who are the leading suppliers of all sorts of bags across the world. The sale of small bags in UK is at a very high scale due to their multi utility and reusability features.

Small Red & Gold I Love You
Organza Bags
Type No: 462 Code: ORZ12SM

Small Plus White
Paper Bags
Type No: 120 Code: PWH81SPM

Small Plus Black
Paper Bags
Type No: 121 Code: PBK85SPM

Small Plus White
Paper Bags
Type No: 122 Code: PWH81SPG

Small Plus Black
Paper Bags
Type No: 123 Code: PBK85SPG

Small Plus Buttermilk
Paper Bags
Type No: MP2 Code: PB2320

Small Plus Raspberry
Paper Bags
Type No: MP10 Code: PB702

Small Plus Fuchsia
Paper Bags
Type No: MP13 Code: PB709

Small Plus Cocoa
Paper Bags
Type No: MP16 Code: PB2319

Small Natural Jute
Jute Bags
Type No: MP33 Code: JB2623

Small Wide Natural Jute
Jute Bags
Type No: MP35 Code: JB2651

Extra Small Tiny Brown
Kraft Paper Bags
Type No: GC1 Code: TBK0879GC

Extra Small Tiny Brown
Kraft Paper Bags
Type No: GC5 Code: TBK0236GC

Small Brown
Kraft Paper Bags
Type No: GC6 Code: TBK0237GC

Small Brown
Kraft Paper Bags
Type No: GC7 Code: TBK0238GC

Small Brown
Christmas Gift Bags with Silver Snowflake Print
Type No: GC9 Code: 1271GC

Small Plus White
Paper Bags
Type No: MP48 Code: PB705

Small Plus Black
Paper Bags
Type No: MP53 Code: PB712

Small Plus Silver
Paper Bags
Type No: MP58 Code: PB711

Small Red with Holly Print
Organza Bags
Type No: GC72 Code: 1043GC

Small Silver with Shiny Silver Thread
Organza Bags
Type No: GC76 Code: 1048GC

Small White
Flat Taped Kraft Bags
Type No: MP90 Code: PB609MP

Small White with Pink or Blue
Candy Striped Paper Bags
Type No: MP94 Code: PBCSP1MP

Small White with Pink or Blue
Candy Striped Paper Bags
Type No: MP95 Code: PBCSP2MP

Small Blue
Satchel Paper Bags
Type No: MP100 Code: PBBSP2MP

Small Black
Satchel Paper Bags
Type No: MP101 Code: PBBLSP2MP

Small Green
Satchel Paper Bags
Type No: MP102 Code: PBGSP2MP

Small Red
Satchel Paper Bags
Type No: MP103 Code: PBRSP2MP

Small White
Take Away Bags
Type No: MP104 Code: PBWTB1MP

Small White
Take Away Bags
Type No: MP105 Code: PBWTB2MP